You have probably heard about the Beyond Blue helpline but perhaps you were not aware that they also offer a Webchat service, available 24/7.
What is webchat?
Beyond Blue Webchat is your private, safe space to get one-on-one mental health help from our qualified counsellors. Most chats last for around 20 minutes. It's only available for people in Australia.
They can also help you find the right mental health services for you if you need extra support.
How does webchat work?
Follow this link to Webchat and click on ‘Chat with a Counsellor’.
You’ll be asked for your first name, phone number and age.
You don’t have to tell them your real name if you don’t want to. Then you’ll be connected with a counsellor to chat.
There may be a wait before a counsellor is available.
The counsellor will listen to you and support you. Sometimes that’s all you’ll need. They can also support you to take the next steps in your mental health journey.