Burn Out The New Normal

Resilience Agenda
July 26, 2023
5 min read

At times, the demands of our roles can feel overwhelming, leaving us emotionally and physically depleted. But change can’t happen in our lives until and unless we decide to do something about it. Short of abandoning our roles, and living in the wild – this is where the tools of Mental Fitness* come in.

As we’ve discussed in May’s chapter of the 2023 Mental Fitness & Wellbeing Diary, try and make a habit of several of the following, so that when you’re ever feeling stressed or overwhelmed, you’d have your sword sharpened and ready to face the challenges that may arise:

Cultivating Mindful Awareness:

Take a few moments each day to center yourself and slow down through mindfulness. The concept of mindfulness, although now sometimes a bit of a cliché, is actually just a fancy way of saying: slow down and put yourself in a position to effectively answer the question: ‘so, what next?’.

Engage in activities that anchor you to the present moment

— whether it's practicing slow deep breathing, savouring a cup of tea, or taking a mindful walk in nature. These moments of stillness can provide a much-needed respite and a chance to reconnect with yourself and how you’re feeling.

Embracing Gratitude:

Amidst the hustle and bustle, take a moment to reflect on the things that aren’t going badly, even if many things aren’t going to plan.

Being grateful doesn’t mean we need to be thankful for everything.

It’s in the darkest of times that we need to seek those moments that remind us there is plenty of good out there, if only we look for it.

Consider keeping a gratitude journal, jotting down three things you are grateful for each day. This simple practice can foster an upward spiral of positive emotion and cultivate resilience. Try brainstorming things that are going well while lying in bed as a great way to stop overthinking anxious thoughts.

Nurturing Social Connections:

When Lana Del Ray sang, “I want money, power, and glory…” we likely sang it at the top of our lungs in full agreement.

Because who wouldn’t want all that? But in our constant chase for more we’ve easily taken for granted the number one predictor of wellbeing – connection.

The thing about connection is that unlike other aspects of our lives, no one is really keeping score…so we overlook it.

Take some time to evaluate the relationships you have in your life, the roles they play in yours, and the roles you play in the life of others. Whose team are you on, and who is on your team?

Prioritizing Self-Care:

Remember, self-care is not a luxury—it's a necessity. Self-care isn’t retail therapy, massages, or expensive soaps either. We’re not looking for a band-aid, we’re looking for a sustainable lifestyle change.

Carve out time for activities that bring you joy and replenish your energy. Whether it's indulging in a favourite hobby, engaging in regular exercise, or practising mindfulness and relaxation techniques, honouring your own wellbeing is an investment in your overall effectiveness and happiness.

Recommit to them in your diary in advance so you don’t need to rely on willpower or energy to take the first step.

Working Through Priorities:

With a seemingly endless list of things to do, we can often feel like we’re stuck.

Oftentimes, it isn’t about having too much to do, it’s about not knowing what exactly to do next.

When we deem our priorities as equal, we can feel like we’re juggling 25 balls made out of glass at once. 25 balls that can break at any moment when dropped.

But in reality – only 5 of them are actually made of glass, whilst the rest are rubber bouncing balls that are ready to have you pick them back up when you can.

Make a conscious habit of identifying what your glass balls are, and know when you can start picking up those bouncing balls again.

Remember, small changes and intentional actions can have a significant impact on your overall wellbeing and resilience. By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can navigate the challenges of burnout and nurture a fulfilling, balanced existence.

It’ll take practice, but you’ll get there. One day at a time!

Disclaimer: The information provided should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. If you have been feeling low for a while, or are in need of immediate help, it is crucial to speak to a friend, trusted colleague, a medical professional, or contact the appropriate helpline in your country.

*At Resilience Agenda, we define Mental Fitness as “the mindset, process and set of strategies for monitoring, protecting and developing good mental health.”

This mindset is about understanding that our level of mental health is not fixed in stone. We all start from different points and experiences, but with the right knowledge and application, we can turn Mental Fitness into a lifestyle.

Just as we protect and build our physical fitness, we should do the same for our Mental Fitness.

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